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    Calling upon Shinedown Nation!!

    I saw Shinedown on May 8th and May 9th and I want to ask for anyone who's seen them recently

    There was a song that they played that had a pre-recorded speech tracked in that led into the song. I can't think of the song. I believe it was in the 2nd half of their set.

    Please let me know which that was or a link to it on Youtube if you could


Submitted by th12228 on
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Calling upon Shinedown Nation!!

I saw Shinedown on May 8th and May 9th and I want to ask for anyone who's seen them recently

There was a song that they played that had a pre-recorded speech tracked in that led into the song. I can't think of the song. I believe it was in the 2nd half of their set.

Please let me know which that was or a link to it on Youtube if you could

