What a shame lyrics

  • What a shame lyrics

    Hi, I really like the song " What a shame " and although
    I know what it is about and I get most of the lyrics of
    the song, I don't quite get the following lines. Any help ?

    God forgive the hands that laid you down
    They never knew how, but your broken
    Heart can break the sound
    And change the season
    Now the leaves are falling faster,
    Happily ever after

Submitted by raikilb on
Forum category
Is pro

What is "What a shame" about? What ist the meaning of this great song?


Fri, 01/16/2009 - 15:04

yes Raymond, you hit the nail on the head. The song is about his late Uncle who died from cancer.

Hi, I really like the song " What a shame " and although
I know what it is about and I get most of the lyrics of
the song, I don't quite get the following lines. Any help ?

God forgive the hands that laid you down
They never knew how, but your broken
Heart can break the sound
And change the season
Now the leaves are falling faster,
Happily ever after


yes Raymond, you hit the nail on the head. The song is about his late Uncle who died from cancer.

What is "What a shame" about? What ist the meaning of this great song?