Warm and Fuzzies thread!

  • Warm and Fuzzies thread!

    Shannon had this idea of a warm and fuzzies thread, so i thought, i start one :)

    I'm giving warm and fuzzies to all my brothers and sisters of the SD nation family <3 :D

Submitted by siouxI61 on
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Is pro


Sat, 05/15/2010 - 10:10

lol this is too funny. sending everyone warm and fuzzies in my Sd nation family. hope your all doing great today.


Sat, 05/15/2010 - 10:40

Warm and fuzzies to Siouxi for making this thread first off. :D And a round of warm and fuzzies to everyone here on the SD Nation, hoping you all have a wonderful day today.

Warm and fuzzies all around and espicially to siouxi (momma) for starting the thread. You ROCK!!! =)

So we talking warm and fuzzies like flannel pj's or the feeling you get from a shot of scotch? Both are good imo. :P


Sat, 05/15/2010 - 23:14

Warm and fuzzies as in wearing flannel pjs on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to come to give you presents and watching the snow fall gently to the ground from your comfy chair next to a roaring fire, while sipping on glass of scotch and/or hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows with the person you adore and love the most...or the guys playing a song just for you.



Sun, 05/16/2010 - 11:15

warm and fuzzies all the way to shannon's extent for everyone in our Shinedown Nation family ♥♥♥♥♥♥

[quote="randomsunkist17"]Warm and fuzzies as in wearing flannel pjs on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to come to give you presents and watching the snow fall gently to the ground from your comfy chair next to a roaring fire, while sipping on glass of scotch and/or hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows with the person you adore and love the most...or the guys playing a song just for you.


Now [b]THAT[/b] is a nice warm and fuzzy thought. *Melts away*


Sun, 05/16/2010 - 16:18

[color=darkblue]aww. I love warm fuzzies. Sending some out to you guys on this dreary Sunday afternoon. Hope ya'll have a great week ahead.[/color]


Sun, 05/16/2010 - 18:20

sending happiness and warm and fuzzies to everyone hoping the week looks up from where it is!


Sun, 05/16/2010 - 21:52

Warm and fuzzies to everyone! :D

I had to bump this, ValerieJ made me feel all warm and fuzzy on warm summer night, via twitter. Thanks Girl :D

Shannon had this idea of a warm and fuzzies thread, so i thought, i start one :)

I'm giving warm and fuzzies to all my brothers and sisters of the SD nation family <3 :D


I had to bump this, ValerieJ made me feel all warm and fuzzy on warm summer night, via twitter. Thanks Girl :D

Warm and fuzzies to everyone! :D

sending happiness and warm and fuzzies to everyone hoping the week looks up from where it is!

[color=darkblue]aww. I love warm fuzzies. Sending some out to you guys on this dreary Sunday afternoon. Hope ya'll have a great week ahead.[/color]

[quote="randomsunkist17"]Warm and fuzzies as in wearing flannel pjs on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to come to give you presents and watching the snow fall gently to the ground from your comfy chair next to a roaring fire, while sipping on glass of scotch and/or hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows with the person you adore and love the most...or the guys playing a song just for you.


Now [b]THAT[/b] is a nice warm and fuzzy thought. *Melts away*

warm and fuzzies all the way to shannon's extent for everyone in our Shinedown Nation family ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Warm and fuzzies as in wearing flannel pjs on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to come to give you presents and watching the snow fall gently to the ground from your comfy chair next to a roaring fire, while sipping on glass of scotch and/or hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows with the person you adore and love the most...or the guys playing a song just for you.


So we talking warm and fuzzies like flannel pj's or the feeling you get from a shot of scotch? Both are good imo. :P

Warm and fuzzies all around and espicially to siouxi (momma) for starting the thread. You ROCK!!! =)

Warm and fuzzies to Siouxi for making this thread first off. :D And a round of warm and fuzzies to everyone here on the SD Nation, hoping you all have a wonderful day today.

lol this is too funny. sending everyone warm and fuzzies in my Sd nation family. hope your all doing great today.