Today was a Sound of Madness day

  • Today was a Sound of Madness day

    I've been a bit MIA this week on the boards because of work. I work at a specialized vet clinic, and we have a contract vet in this week as one of our main vets is out all week and this is our busy season. She's just awful. She thinks she knows everything, everyone else is a complete idiot, and she's making our life a living hell. I've been getting into work early, skipping lunches, and working until I am passing out at night. Today was the final straw when she actually insulted one of my coworkers to her face. I left work almost in tears. After venting to a former coworker, I put the SoM cd into my car and just blasted it. When the title track came on, it just rang so true today and I turned it up and just sang out to it until I was hoarse. I can't even tell you how much better I felt after I got home.

    Thanks Rev Smith. Your songs have gotten me through another tough day.

Submitted by ARomaine on
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Is pro


Thu, 05/13/2010 - 21:15

Rev Smith's words are the remedy for almost anything

Abby, sorry to hear you had such a bad week! Sending hugs your way.
Glad Shinedown was able to lift you up :)


Fri, 05/14/2010 - 09:12

sorry to hear the week has been crappy. like it's already been said the week is almost over and hopefully she'll be gone from your work for good and you won't have to deal with her any more.

Thanks for all the hugs. I definitely felt a lot better last night, and I went in today refusing to let her bug me. I just kept laughing at everything instead of letting it get to me. I'm tired as well after this week, but I am definitely happy that it's Friday, and I think I'm going to go wear one of my SD shirts out to dinner tonight! Mongolian round grill anyone?


Sat, 05/15/2010 - 08:11

that's the spirit glad to hear your doing better now. Sd has a way of doing that. but sometimes you just gotta remember things will be out of your control at time and you have to remember to laugh at it when nothing goes right if you stress too much over it you'll drive yourself crazy.

I've been a bit MIA this week on the boards because of work. I work at a specialized vet clinic, and we have a contract vet in this week as one of our main vets is out all week and this is our busy season. She's just awful. She thinks she knows everything, everyone else is a complete idiot, and she's making our life a living hell. I've been getting into work early, skipping lunches, and working until I am passing out at night. Today was the final straw when she actually insulted one of my coworkers to her face. I left work almost in tears. After venting to a former coworker, I put the SoM cd into my car and just blasted it. When the title track came on, it just rang so true today and I turned it up and just sang out to it until I was hoarse. I can't even tell you how much better I felt after I got home.

Thanks Rev Smith. Your songs have gotten me through another tough day.


that's the spirit glad to hear your doing better now. Sd has a way of doing that. but sometimes you just gotta remember things will be out of your control at time and you have to remember to laugh at it when nothing goes right if you stress too much over it you'll drive yourself crazy.

Thanks for all the hugs. I definitely felt a lot better last night, and I went in today refusing to let her bug me. I just kept laughing at everything instead of letting it get to me. I'm tired as well after this week, but I am definitely happy that it's Friday, and I think I'm going to go wear one of my SD shirts out to dinner tonight! Mongolian round grill anyone?

sorry to hear the week has been crappy. like it's already been said the week is almost over and hopefully she'll be gone from your work for good and you won't have to deal with her any more.

Abby, sorry to hear you had such a bad week! Sending hugs your way.
Glad Shinedown was able to lift you up :)

Rev Smith's words are the remedy for almost anything