second chance on the terminator the series

  • second chance on the terminator the series

    i was watching tv last night and the terminator the series had second chance as the preview song.... thats pretty cool.....

Submitted by shiner_1405 on
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awe beat me to it lol

ya I saw this about 15 mins ago while watching family guy

yeah, I saw that! just saw it again! Very Cool! I like how they choreographed the ad for the show and the song together!


Fri, 08/22/2008 - 01:18

second chance is the next single! it was just announced yesterday on their myspace page. =) i am excited to hear it on the radio. it is one of my fav songs off of the new cd.

i was watching tv last night and the terminator the series had second chance as the preview song.... thats pretty cool.....


second chance is the next single! it was just announced yesterday on their myspace page. =) i am excited to hear it on the radio. it is one of my fav songs off of the new cd.

yeah, I saw that! just saw it again! Very Cool! I like how they choreographed the ad for the show and the song together!

awe beat me to it lol

ya I saw this about 15 mins ago while watching family guy