
  • Pointfest

    I just saw that Shinedown is suppose to be at the Pointfest in September. That is insane considering they were at the last one just a few months ago. Shinedown probably kicked everyone's ass in May there and everyone demanded them to come back.

Submitted by better_version6287 on
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Is pro


Wed, 07/30/2008 - 01:33

HELL YEAH!!! I'll be there..it's the day before my b-day. Well, Shinedown better be there, too. Cause the radio station says they will be there but Shinedown's tour dates say something different.

Oh yeah, already gotz my tickets! :D


Tue, 08/05/2008 - 22:42

SO LOOKING FORWARD to this show...I gotta get my tix this weekend.

That would be a great birthday gift for yourself Lisa!(spelled normal)

Shinedown always kicks ass!

Shinedown is the Chuck Norris of music!



Thu, 08/14/2008 - 00:15


Shinedown is the Chuck Norris of music!


Hahahahaha...that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just saw that Shinedown is suppose to be at the Pointfest in September. That is insane considering they were at the last one just a few months ago. Shinedown probably kicked everyone's ass in May there and everyone demanded them to come back.



Shinedown is the Chuck Norris of music!


Hahahahaha...that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That would be a great birthday gift for yourself Lisa!(spelled normal)

Shinedown always kicks ass!

Shinedown is the Chuck Norris of music!


SO LOOKING FORWARD to this show...I gotta get my tix this weekend.

Oh yeah, already gotz my tickets! :D

HELL YEAH!!! I'll be there..it's the day before my b-day. Well, Shinedown better be there, too. Cause the radio station says they will be there but Shinedown's tour dates say something different.