For My Sake

  • For My Sake

    Anyone else think this song is probably about Jasin?

Submitted by jmiske13 on
Forum category
Is pro


Wed, 04/18/2012 - 13:20

In my opinion it is very good that Brent now really says what is going on, because I think noone really knows what really happened and the reason for this. Also "For My Sake" brings everything to an end.

Anyone else think this song is probably about Jasin?


In my opinion it is very good that Brent now really says what is going on, because I think noone really knows what really happened and the reason for this. Also "For My Sake" brings everything to an end.

[quote="helldevil88"]Yes I would say it is, just listen to this review by Brent (For My Sake starts at 1:00)

Another thing is here in this interview. He talks about Jasin and Brad on part 7:[…]

Thanks for the links. Ya I would say it has to be about Jasin.

Yes I would say it is, just listen to this review by Brent (For My Sake starts at 1:00)

Another thing is here in this interview. He talks about Jasin and Brad on part 7: