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  • Live Chat

    Anyone else watch the Live Chat thing and if so what did you think?

Submitted by tawnee_2177 on
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Mon, 06/23/2008 - 20:46

I watched it, but it was cutting out so much that I barely heard anything that was said. :(

Yeah, I heard only like half of what they said the entire time, it was so messed up. =/


Tue, 06/24/2008 - 11:15

yea it was really laggy last night

Well I Got A Candle.

Tue, 06/24/2008 - 18:21

it was laggy on the video version too but i watched it anyways..


Tue, 06/24/2008 - 19:45

what i could understand of it was good

[quote="hollydoll"]I watched it, but it was cutting out so much that I barely heard anything that was said. :([/quote]

this :(

Anyone else watch the Live Chat thing and if so what did you think?


[quote="hollydoll"]I watched it, but it was cutting out so much that I barely heard anything that was said. :([/quote]

this :(

what i could understand of it was good

it was laggy on the video version too but i watched it anyways..

yea it was really laggy last night

Yeah, I heard only like half of what they said the entire time, it was so messed up. =/

I watched it, but it was cutting out so much that I barely heard anything that was said. :(