"The Hangover"

  • "The Hangover"

    Funniest movie I have ever seen!! I laughed my A$$ off! There were 5 "mature" ladies sitting in front of us and I was laughing at their reactions as much as at what was going on in the movie!! Make sure to stay through the credits to see the photos that they took over the "missing weekend" .Hilarious!!!Must see!!

Submitted by lorilee on
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Thu, 08/20/2009 - 18:36

I saw it when I was in the States :) Thought it was the best comedy I had seen in a while :) You guys get all the good films before us! Lol

Yea, but you have kilts and those burly Dudes hefting the giant log thingys!! Wow! What a country!HMMMMM...(day dreaming)


Thu, 08/20/2009 - 18:40

Yeah that is way up in the Highlands though :) I live about 500 miles away from there! :) Yes that is true...we will be takin our kilts to Jamaica next year when we get married :)

sounds AWESOME!Congrats!!!

Funniest movie I have ever seen!! I laughed my A$$ off! There were 5 "mature" ladies sitting in front of us and I was laughing at their reactions as much as at what was going on in the movie!! Make sure to stay through the credits to see the photos that they took over the "missing weekend" .Hilarious!!!Must see!!


sounds AWESOME!Congrats!!!

Yeah that is way up in the Highlands though :) I live about 500 miles away from there! :) Yes that is true...we will be takin our kilts to Jamaica next year when we get married :)

Yea, but you have kilts and those burly Dudes hefting the giant log thingys!! Wow! What a country!HMMMMM...(day dreaming)

I saw it when I was in the States :) Thought it was the best comedy I had seen in a while :) You guys get all the good films before us! Lol