
  • growing....

    does it excite anyone else how much the nation is growing? i mean im sure a lot of it has to do with it being sold at Carnival Of Madness, but still.... before we used to get like 1 a day or every other day.... were getting 4 or 5 new members almost every day now =)

Submitted by ShinedownChica on
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absolutly i think its awesome that the fanbase is growing,now maybe they can get that $ they said no one would front for a live dvd which i think kinda sucks.the carnival of madness live dvd would have been freakin awesome.

oh and by the way sorry I went off topic lol


Mon, 08/02/2010 - 00:17

yeahh a live Carnival Of Madness dvd wouldve been amazing... I would definitely buy one of those =)


Mon, 08/02/2010 - 00:17

and yeahh goin off topics ok.... we all do it XD

[quote="jayrbk1"]absolutly i think its awesome that the fanbase is growing,now maybe they can get that $ they said no one would front for a live dvd which i think kinda sucks.the carnival of madness live dvd would have been freakin awesome.[/quote] Now your talkn, I was almost hearing crickets on this site...We absolutely need a live dvd . On those cold winter nights pop that sob in the player and rock out! C'mon Shinedown make it happen... Well I am tryn at least maybe they can do this since they are putting their VIP's in the back!!!!


Wed, 08/04/2010 - 21:52

maybe if enough of us send it in as a question, theyll try to make it happen?

[quote="twilight123450"]maybe if enough of us send it in as a question, theyll try to make it happen?[/quote] who knows at this point, I know this is a fan site that we have all paid to join. But do you ever get the feeling that the guys never ever log on here or even bother to read? Ever get the feeling it all falls on deaf ears? So if we do ask then who do we ask?

I know that there is one e-mail that someone has to be reading and thats CONTESTS@SHINEDOWNNATION.COM so I say one day we all get together and send a WE NEED A LIVE DVD e-mail

[quote="jayrbk1"]I know that there is one e-mail that someone has to be reading and thats CONTESTS@SHINEDOWNNATION.COM so I say one day we all get together and send a WE NEED A LIVE DVD e-mail[/quote] sounds like a plan, name the day and time...I'll be there!


Thu, 08/05/2010 - 15:05

yes it does excite me i'm glad our family is growing i hope they stick around and unite with the rest of us.

[quote="shinedownjunkie45"]yes it does excite me i'm glad our family is growing i hope they stick around and unite with the rest of us.[/quote] Hey SDJ45 in order to get and keep people coming dialy we need to come up with some good topics to discuss. What do u think?


Fri, 08/06/2010 - 17:32

yeah that sounds like a great idea i'll do my best to come up with some great topics tonight and I'll post some up tomorrow. Sound good?

[quote="shinedownjunkie45"]yeah that sounds like a great idea i'll do my best to come up with some great topics tonight and I'll post some up tomorrow. Sound good?[/quote] SOunds great! Sorry was off for a couple of days this is the weekend before the Madness arrvies here. This Tuesday my COM is here . And yeah I am so excited! What a weekend it was. So ok, how about some topics?

does it excite anyone else how much the nation is growing? i mean im sure a lot of it has to do with it being sold at Carnival Of Madness, but still.... before we used to get like 1 a day or every other day.... were getting 4 or 5 new members almost every day now =)


[quote="shinedownjunkie45"]yeah that sounds like a great idea i'll do my best to come up with some great topics tonight and I'll post some up tomorrow. Sound good?[/quote] SOunds great! Sorry was off for a couple of days this is the weekend before the Madness arrvies here. This Tuesday my COM is here . And yeah I am so excited! What a weekend it was. So ok, how about some topics?

yeah that sounds like a great idea i'll do my best to come up with some great topics tonight and I'll post some up tomorrow. Sound good?

[quote="shinedownjunkie45"]yes it does excite me i'm glad our family is growing i hope they stick around and unite with the rest of us.[/quote] Hey SDJ45 in order to get and keep people coming dialy we need to come up with some good topics to discuss. What do u think?

yes it does excite me i'm glad our family is growing i hope they stick around and unite with the rest of us.

[quote="jayrbk1"]I know that there is one e-mail that someone has to be reading and thats CONTESTS@SHINEDOWNNATION.COM so I say one day we all get together and send a WE NEED A LIVE DVD e-mail[/quote] sounds like a plan, name the day and time...I'll be there!

I know that there is one e-mail that someone has to be reading and thats CONTESTS@SHINEDOWNNATION.COM so I say one day we all get together and send a WE NEED A LIVE DVD e-mail

[quote="twilight123450"]maybe if enough of us send it in as a question, theyll try to make it happen?[/quote] who knows at this point, I know this is a fan site that we have all paid to join. But do you ever get the feeling that the guys never ever log on here or even bother to read? Ever get the feeling it all falls on deaf ears? So if we do ask then who do we ask?

maybe if enough of us send it in as a question, theyll try to make it happen?

[quote="jayrbk1"]absolutly i think its awesome that the fanbase is growing,now maybe they can get that $ they said no one would front for a live dvd which i think kinda sucks.the carnival of madness live dvd would have been freakin awesome.[/quote] Now your talkn, I was almost hearing crickets on this site...We absolutely need a live dvd . On those cold winter nights pop that sob in the player and rock out! C'mon Shinedown make it happen... Well I am tryn at least maybe they can do this since they are putting their VIP's in the back!!!!

and yeahh goin off topics ok.... we all do it XD

yeahh a live Carnival Of Madness dvd wouldve been amazing... I would definitely buy one of those =)

oh and by the way sorry I went off topic lol

absolutly i think its awesome that the fanbase is growing,now maybe they can get that $ they said no one would front for a live dvd which i think kinda sucks.the carnival of madness live dvd would have been freakin awesome.