Early Access

  • Early Access

    Is Shinedowns meet and greet ticket package including early access as well?

Submitted by monkeysnod on
Forum category
Is pro


Wed, 11/14/2012 - 19:20

Probably. I've done Shinedown m&g before and they never specified early access, but it was. I have been to shows where they kicked you back outside, but not Shinedown, and that's pretty rare, especially if they don't have a separate early entry package.

Is Shinedowns meet and greet ticket package including early access as well?


Probably. I've done Shinedown

Probably. I've done Shinedown m&g before and they never specified early access, but it was. I have been to shows where they kicked you back outside, but not Shinedown, and that's pretty rare, especially if they don't have a separate early entry package.

Early entry access that is!

Early entry access that is!