Devour video

  • Devour video

    Has anyone seen the Devour video???? Was at concert on the 16th & they said it would be released the 19th cant find it anywhere.

Submitted by BrAnDi_11 on
Forum category
Is pro

haven't seen anything about it on their website so idk

the whole album got pushed back from their speculation, Devour got pushed back at least once, so it's not a real surprise that the video is getting pushed back too

In the live chat they said it would be out on Wednesday on their MySpace.


Tue, 06/24/2008 - 00:11

thanks everyone for replying ill look for it wednesday


Tue, 06/24/2008 - 10:38

The Devour video has been uploaded to myspace! Too bad I haven't been able to get it to play yet.

Well, now they took it down. :?

Well I Got A Candle.

Tue, 06/24/2008 - 17:53

Yeah I Know I Cant Wait Till Wednesday!

stupid wednsday I hate waiting

Apparently it's up now.

[quote="melle"]Apparently it's up now.[/quote]
Where? I don't see it.

[quote="heinerken24"][quote="melle"]Apparently it's up now.[/quote]
Where? I don't see it.[/quote]

me neither


Tue, 06/24/2008 - 23:41

They had it up on their myspace this morning but took it down..damn it..I couldn't get it to play.

[quote="synneraboveall"]They had it up on their myspace this morning but took it down..damn it..I couldn't get it to play.[/quote]

darn I thought it was up and I didn't have to wait until tommorow

*puts pillow over face and screams*

lol, um its been up a while on the official website


Tue, 06/24/2008 - 23:59

Devour video is really good! I like the blue lighting and strobe during the change.

I think it could have done without so much slow-motion, but it still kicked ass.


Wed, 06/25/2008 - 00:03

lol! I thougt it was my computer that was fucking up.

Yeah, I agree with the slow-motion thing. The video was pretty cool overall though.


Wed, 06/25/2008 - 00:26

I thought it was bad ass!!!!!


Wed, 06/25/2008 - 14:40

I think the video is awesome

I liked the video


Wed, 06/25/2008 - 16:19

I love how Brent kind of looks like Ozzy in some of the

[quote="synneraboveall"]I love how Brent kind of looks like Ozzy in some of the[/quote]

hmm I thought he looked like singer from seether (can't remember his name) in a few of them

but I xan see ozzy too :P

[quote="fenderguitars777"][quote="artemisfowl"][quote="synneraboveall"]I love how Brent kind of looks like Ozzy in some of the[/quote]

hmm I thought he looked like singer from seether (can't remember his name) in a few of them

but I xan see ozzy too :P[/quote]

Shaun Morgan[/quote]

ah ty

I was wondering why I could not find it on here. Now I know why
IT'S ON MY SPACE. Going to watch it.


Wed, 06/25/2008 - 23:46

[quote="hotshot959"]yeah, it's not on youtube yet. i really wanna see it though. :([/quote]

got to the main Shinedown website... it's on there.


Thu, 06/26/2008 - 01:49

I like the new video alot...
Brent reminds me more of a madman in some of the shots, the same ones you all are referring to as being Ozzy-like. which is true too, but Brent looks a bit more evil...haha.

Video kicked ass, i liked everything about it. Think it moved around a bit fast though, cause some motion sickness in some people like Cloverfield did!

Love the Devour video.
Very intense.


Sat, 06/28/2008 - 18:54

i thougt it kicked ass....

Has anyone seen the Devour video???? Was at concert on the 16th & they said it would be released the 19th cant find it anywhere.


All I know is that I was a little skeptical the first time I heard Devour. Now, I am over whatever glitch that was in my head - the song ROCKS! When I saw the video, I was extremely impressed. Intense is a good word to describe it. To me, "intense" kinda sums up the entire album!

in my opinion, brent looks like ozzy in the devour video

i thougt it kicked ass....

Love the Devour video.
Very intense.

I like the new video alot...
Brent reminds me more of a madman in some of the shots, the same ones you all are referring to as being Ozzy-like. which is true too, but Brent looks a bit more evil...haha.

Video kicked ass, i liked everything about it. Think it moved around a bit fast though, cause some motion sickness in some people like Cloverfield did!

Re: New Shinedown music video

[quote="hotshot959"]yeah, it's not on youtube yet. i really wanna see it though. :([/quote]

got to the main Shinedown website... it's on there.

I was wondering why I could not find it on here. Now I know why
IT'S ON MY SPACE. Going to watch it.

New Shinedown music video

yeah, it's not on youtube yet. i really wanna see it though. :(

[quote="fenderguitars777"][quote="artemisfowl"][quote="synneraboveall"]I love how Brent kind of looks like Ozzy in some of the[/quote]

hmm I thought he looked like singer from seether (can't remember his name) in a few of them

but I xan see ozzy too :P[/quote]

Shaun Morgan[/quote]

ah ty

[quote="synneraboveall"]I love how Brent kind of looks like Ozzy in some of the[/quote]

hmm I thought he looked like singer from seether (can't remember his name) in a few of them

but I xan see ozzy too :P

I love how Brent kind of looks like Ozzy in some of the

I liked the video

I think the video is awesome


I thought it was bad ass!!!!!

Yeah, I agree with the slow-motion thing. The video was pretty cool overall though.

lol! I thougt it was my computer that was fucking up.

I think it could have done without so much slow-motion, but it still kicked ass.

Devour video is really good! I like the blue lighting and strobe during the change.

lol, um its been up a while on the official website

[quote="synneraboveall"]They had it up on their myspace this morning but took it down..damn it..I couldn't get it to play.[/quote]

darn I thought it was up and I didn't have to wait until tommorow

*puts pillow over face and screams*

They had it up on their myspace this morning but took it down..damn it..I couldn't get it to play.

[quote="heinerken24"][quote="melle"]Apparently it's up now.[/quote]
Where? I don't see it.[/quote]

me neither

[quote="melle"]Apparently it's up now.[/quote]
Where? I don't see it.

Apparently it's up now.

stupid wednsday I hate waiting

Yeah I Know I Cant Wait Till Wednesday!

The Devour video has been uploaded to myspace! Too bad I haven't been able to get it to play yet.

Well, now they took it down. :?

thanks everyone for replying ill look for it wednesday

In the live chat they said it would be out on Wednesday on their MySpace.

the whole album got pushed back from their speculation, Devour got pushed back at least once, so it's not a real surprise that the video is getting pushed back too

haven't seen anything about it on their website so idk